Automist Compliance Documentation
Fire test report:
BSi Verification Certificate:
Automist' Design Installation Operation and Maintenance Manual:
Understanding Standards and Innovation
Relevant standards and guidance
BS 8458 is a British Standard that gives recommendations for the design, installation, water supplies, commissioning, maintenance and testing of watermist systems with automatic nozzles installed in residential and domestic occupancies up to a maximum ceiling height of 5.5 m. It primarily covers watermist systems used for life safety, but might also provide property protection
BS 9991 gives recommendations and guidance on the design, management and use of residential buildings so that they attain reasonable standards of fire safety for all the people who are in and around them. The standard applies to the design of new buildings, and to material alterations, extensions and material changes of use to existing buildings. Included are permitted variations made possible with the use of Automatic Water Fire Suppression Systems (AWFSS) - see Table 2.
BS 7974 provides a framework for the application of fire safety engineering (FSE) principles to the design of buildings, giving recommendations and guidance for the protection of people, property and the environment from fire. It is supported by the PD 7974 series of Published Documents that contain guidance and information on how to undertake a detailed analysis of specific aspects of fire safety engineering in buildings.
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